Tag #149256 - Interview #78073 (sarra shpitalnik)

Selected text
In my childhood I used to spend my free time in the park near our house where there was a Christian church. We played 'one tsar gave another soldiers', and 'geese, geese, come home.' We also went to the town garden where there is a monument of Pushkin [16], but after 1938 it became dangerous for Jews, as young Romanian fascists, and Cuzist followers, had gatherings there. They were aggressive. Theaters from other towns came on tours to Kishinev: for example, the 'Vilner Truppe' from Vilnius. My parents went there, but I stayed at home. Jews lived everywhere in the town, but there were many in the lower part: the poorer part of town. Wealthier Jews resided uptown.


sarra shpitalnik