Tag #149556 - Interview #102205 (David Wainshelboim)

Selected text
There were Zionist organizations in the town. There was Maccabi [12] for young people, and many students were fond of these ideas. All I cared about was science and I took no interest in politics. I remember posters, announcing the arrival and meeting with Jabotinskiy [13]. My father, who was fond of Zionist ideas, went to this meeting and then discussed it with Mama, but I took no interest in their discussion. In 1938 Fascism began to spread in the Romanian society: the Cuzist parties [14] and legionaries [15] were established. On the other hand, young Jewish people united in the underground Komsomol [16] and Communist organizations, propagating the Soviet way of life and unification of Bessarabia with the Soviet Union.


David Wainshelboim