Tag #149625 - Interview #78272 (haim molhov)

Selected text
I continued working in this institute and became head of the international relations department. I was in charge of the department, responsible for the free-of-charge exchange with designer organizations from the countries in the former socialist camp - Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Yugoslavia. We established relations with all designer institutes. I established contacts with the designer organizations in these countries and each year our institute sent Bulgarian specialists in the field of chemistry and metallurgy there. In this way the seven countries cooperated technically. When guests came from abroad, I was in charge of their accommodation, stay, program and the signing of contracts. I have visited many European nations due to my job.

My specialty was black metallurgy and when the institute divided into Chimproyekt and Metalurgproyekt, I chose to work in Metalurgproyekt although the director of Chimproyekt was a Jew. I retired at the age of 63 in 1978, but I still felt strong and motivated and I returned to work for two more years. At that time I headed the external relations of the institute with other similar institutions. After 1989 I was also a member of the Union of Engineers. Now the decay in Bulgaria is huge. The institute where I worked still exists but very little is left of it.

In 1980, two years after my retirement, I felt strong and eager to work again. So, I decided to go back to the Chimproyekt Institute. First, I went to the director of the technical personnel department and asked him if I could return to my previous position - to be in charge of the international exchange. He told me that I came just in time because the man they had appointed couldn't cope with the job and was absent very often. Then I went to the director of the institute, who turned out to be a new one, and to my surprise he knew everything about me, although we had never met. After all, I had spent 26 years in this institute and I myself had appointed hundreds of people to different positions here.


haim molhov