Tag #149628 - Interview #78272 (haim molhov)

Selected text
During the rule of the Communist Party I have always supported the people's power and the official position of the party. As an employee of the People's Militia during the 1950s I was the 'fist' of the people's power. Now, looking back at those times, I regard the rule of the communist party as totalitarian. The power was focused on the people around Zhivkov [19] and the idea of the people's power was corrupted. Many of the party's activities were unknown to most people, for example the camps for political prisoners. These things became known only after the fall of the communist regime in 1989 [following the events of 10th November 1989] [20]. I am pleased with the period of rule of the BCP [Bulgarian Communist Party]. During that time I managed to acquire a university education free-of- charge, and I had a good job. My son and his wife also graduated from the State Conservatory without paying any fees.

I think that the opening of the Eastern European countries to the West is a positive sign. However, I also think that the end of the rule of the communist parties in these countries was a result of the long-term work of the American intelligence, which led to the political changes. I was a BCP member and I'm still a member of its successor - the Socialist Party.

At the moment, according to my son's statistics, there are no more than 6,000 Jews left in Bulgaria. Nevertheless, the editor of the newspaper Jewish News, Mihaylina Pavlova, has found on the Internet a list of Jews who the unknown author of the list claims are racists. Many of my acquaintances are on this list; only my name isn't there. Some of the political parties advocate unofficially anti-Semitic ideas.

Nowadays life in the Jewish community is very good. Various cultural events are being organized for us. Every day I go to the Jewish cultural home to have lunch and meet my friends. Thanks to the international Jewish organization Joint [21] we receive aid and we can eat relatively cheaply. My son is the conductor of the Jewish choir and has taken up all the administrative work; that's why he has an office in the Jewish Cultural Home.


haim molhov