Tag #150303 - Interview #78249 (Ernest Galpert)

Selected text
In 1944 Tilda and her family were sent to Auschwitz where younger Jews were sent to work and older Jews and children were exterminated. The Germans needed workforce. Tilda's family perished in Auschwitz. Her older sister Margarita and her son were also there. Margarita had the choice of not going with her son, but she decided to stay with him and they went to the gas chamber together. Tilda's parents and her younger brother, Shmil, also perished in the gas chamber. David and Hugo perished in forced labor and her brother Aron crossed the border of the USSR and perished in the Gulag [14]. Tilda, her sister Serena, who was in the USSR during World War II, and her brother Philip were the only survivors in the family.
Ernest Galpert