Tag #150325 - Interview #78249 (Ernest Galpert)

Selected text
When Khrushchev [19] spoke about Stalin and about the Soviet system disclosing Stalin's crimes on Twentieth Party Congress [20], we understood what it was all about. We realized that we had to give up the idea of communism and socialism.

Since I was a party member and a manager I had to propagate to engineers at the plant. I was responsible for regular political classes with them. I can say one thing frankly: I never spoke my mind. I only said, 'Here is what Khrushchev says...', or 'This is what Brezhnev said ...'. I always referred to them since after the Twentieth Party Congress Tilda and I understood that the idea of communism was false. However, we remained party members until the last day in 1991, the breakup of the Soviet Union [21]. Some time in the late 1980s I stopped conducting the political training of my colleagues and at that period my party membership was a mere formality.


Ernest Galpert