Tag #150482 - Interview #78242 (Ruvin Gitman)

Selected text
At Purim my parents arranged Purimshpilen, holiday performances in the village. They were lots of fun. At Purim my mother always made hamantashen, and gave them to all of our family members. At Chanukkah we were given money. Mother lit the central candle on the first day of Chanukkah and recited a blessing. Then she lit one candle from it, and then each member of the family lit one candle in a beautiful silver chanukkiyah every night for 8 days. Every morning the whole family said a prayer. At Sukkot my father made a sukkah in the yard and we had lunch and dinner there. It was often cold or it rained, but we still had to stay in the sukkah and my father used to say that it was the Lord reminding us about the sufferings of the Jews.


Ruvin Gitman