Tag #151096 - Interview #94394 (Maya Pivovar)

Selected text
I remember well beginning of the war on 22 June 1941, I was already 14 years old. We were on vacations and were walking with our neighbor in a park, it was in the morning and she said: ‘They say, they were dropping bombs at night on the Post-Volynskaya station out of town’. His was something wild to me: bombs in peaceful time! We went home, and at 12 o’clock in the afternoon Molotov [11] spoke on the radio, he announced that the war began. My father was a reserve officer and he had to make his appearance at the military registry office in case of war. He went to the registry office on Monday and they told him to pack his luggage and come to an induction center. Then somebody told us that the recruits had not been sent to the front and were waiting at the railway station. My mother and I took his coat, it was still cold at night, and went to see him. We met with him.

Misto Kyiv

Maya Pivovar