Tag #151135 - Interview #78033 (Vladimir Goldman)

Selected text
On 22nd June 1941 the war began. I was to begin school on 1st September, but the front was near Odessa so I didn't. The hospital where my father worked was converted into a military hospital. My father became the director of the hospital. His brothers, Leo and Zeilik, and their families were going to evacuation by train. Their train stopped in Odessa for a day and they came to say goodbye to us. Uncle Leo fell ill and stayed with us. My father submitted his request for the evacuation of his family to the district party committee. We received boat tickets, but my mother said that we had to go with my father. The authorities were promising my father to evacuate him later with other officials, but they didn't keep their promise. We all stayed. They didn't evacuate the hospital or its patients. My father continued working even during the occupation.


Vladimir Goldman