Tag #151142 - Interview #78033 (Vladimir Goldman)

Selected text
At the end of July 1942 we were sent to Domanevka camp [16]. From Domanevka we were taken to Akhmechetka camp [17] - it was a cattle farm that had been converted into a camp. The inmates were given no food. Groups of ten inmates went to fetch water and the policemen entertained themselves by shooting the last one in the group. The inmates ate grass around the camp. Later we were sent to a camp in the village of Paseka. There was a barrack in the steppe with about 200 Jews in it. They worked in a vegetable field. Life became easier. We could eat a carrot or a beetroot. My father cured the inmates of the camp. Villagers also came to ask his advice. He made ointments for them from what they brought him and used the remains to cure the inmates.


Vladimir Goldman