Tag #151461 - Interview #101609 (Remma Kogan)

Selected text
Grisha [diminutive from Grigori], the second son, was born in 1896. In 1915 Grisha went to Kiev and graduated from the Medical faculty in Kiev University. He was a lecturer at the Medical College in Kiev. Grisha was married to his cousin sister Mariam Fooks, grandmother sister Surah’s second daughter.  In 1930 their daughter Lidia was born. Grisha perished at the front during the Great Patriotic War. His wife Mariam and her daughter were in evacuation in Votkinsk during the Great Patriotic War. Mariam worked as a medical nurse. After the war they returned to Kiev. Lidia finished the Mining College in Krivoy Rog, but she worked as a teacher in the kindergarten.  She married a Jewish man.  She has two children: son Grisha and daughter Svetlana. Mariam died in the 1970s.  Lidia lives in Kiev. She is a pensioner. Lidia’s children and their families moved to Germany in the 1980s.

My father’s brother Yakov was born in 1902. In 1922 he left Novomirgorod for Petersburg. I don’t know where he studied.  Yakov was a heating engineer. Yakov’s wife Sophia, a Jew, was a teacher of mathematic. They had two daughters: Galina and Olga. During the Great Patriotic War they evacuated to Novokuznetsk in Kemerovo region where they stayed after the war. Yakov’s wife died of cancer shortly after the war. Yakov died in Novokuznetsk in the 1970s. Yakov’s older daughter Galina got married and moved to the Moscow region where she works as an engineer. She has two daughters. Yakov’s younger daughter Olga is a scientific employee of the metallurgical Institute in Novokuznetsk.  She has two sons.

David was born in 1905. He was a railroad technician and lived in Moscow. David was single. During the Great Patriotic War he was commander of rocket launcher platoon. He perished during defense of Leningrad in 1941.

My father’s younger brother Anatoli was born in 1909. Anatoli lived with my father’s family in Kirovograd and then Odessa. He studied at the Communication College in Odessa and worked at a plant. In 1931 Anatoli finished his college and got a job assignment in Khabarovsk. He married his fellow-student Maria Sviridova, Russian. Maria was a communication engineer, but she worked very little. She dedicated herself to her family.  Anatoli and his family lived in Khabarovsk where he was chief of regional communication department. During the Great Patriotic War Anatoli got an assignment to work in Nikolaev, Ukraine. Anatoli worked there for a short time and then was transferred to Kuibyshev [Samara at present]. Anatoli has three children: daughter Nelly and two sons, Sergei and Valeri. They finished a conservatory. Nelly was a teacher in a music school in Kuibyshev. She was married and had a son named Mikhail. Nelly died in the 1970s. Valeri is married and has two children.  Sergei is married and has three children. Anatoli’s sons play in the Philharmonic orchestra in Kuibyshev. Anatoli died in Kuibyshev in the 1980s. His wife died shortly afterward.


Remma Kogan