Tag #151802 - Interview #84041 (Yacob Hollander)

Selected text
I demobilized in 1951. I decided to live in Beregovo, but I didn’t want to stay with my distant relative. Our house in Kamyanske was empty. I sold it and bought a house in Beregovo for this money. I had to find a job. My old acquaintance, whose last name was Yakubovich, a Jew, was chairman of the consumer union. When I returned I arranged a party at a restaurant to celebrate my coming back. Yakubovich came to this party. He said that I didn’t have anything and didn’t know anything about work, but since he knew me as a decent and honest man he offered me a job of director of a store in Mochola village, near Beregovo. I lived in Beregovo and bought a bicycle. That same year of 1951 I entered the extramural department of the Kiev Trade College. I studied by correspondence and twice a year I went to take exams in Kiev. I worked in Mochola for two years. Then Yakubovich offered me a job in Beregovo to become deputy director of food supplies. It was a promotion to me. In 1953 I came to work in this office.


Yacob Hollander