Tag #151817 - Interview #84041 (Yacob Hollander)

Selected text
In 1999 Hesed was established in Uzhgorod. This organization does not only help Jews to survive providing food and hot meals to them and paying for medications or medical treatment to those who need them. Hesed pays much attention to the rebirth of the Jewish life in Ukraine. It’s a big and important effort. Hesed teaches Jewish traditions to young people and children. When I see young girls and boys at the synagogue who do not go there to receive something, but want to be fair Jews, I feel happy. I go to the synagogue three times a week: on Monday, when they read the torah, Thursday and Saturday. I used to go there on Friday, but now it’s hard to walk that far in the evening. I celebrate all Jewish holidays in Hesed. It’s good to have this opportunity. Not because I cannot make a celebration at home. I have enough money. My sister takes care of it. I’ve even refused from their food provisions: there are others who need them more. Its most important that I can talk to people and not stay alone. Of course, I am not saying that I am lonely. I have a wonderful wife and we’ve never had one argument, but a person needs to communicate with other people, not only with books, even if they are his favorite. And Hesed gives me these contacts.


Yacob Hollander