Tag #151860 - Interview #78251 (Leonid Karlinsky)

Selected text
I have few memories of the war. We were living in our apartment and my
father provided well for his family. Of course, this was a difficult time,
but it didn't touch us. Almost all of my father's and mother's relatives
came to Ashgabad: Ida, Margola, grandfather and grandmother, Fania and her
children, and Hina with Victor and Tolik. They were having a difficult time
and Mama often sent me to take food to them, especially to Aunt Hina. But
she never sent anything to my grandmother. Even the war didn't suppress
their hostility towards one another.

In 1943 the authorities established NKVD headquarters in the Rostov
region, although Rostov was still under occupation. This office was located
in Piatigorsk and was responsible for provisioning the frontier units that
were following the military units on the front.

My father was appointed Chief of the Chemical Department in this
office, and we moved to Piatigorsk in 1943. We rented an apartment from a
Russian woman. During the war a German general was her tenant and he left
lots of food. She shared it with us. She said that the general was a very
nice man. My brother and I went to school. I became a Pioneer. I believed
that once the war was over, we would have a happy and fair future. I was
fond of technical things and wanted to become a military engineer. My
brother Victor wanted to join the military.

In summer of 1943 I submitted my documents to the Suvorov Military
School in Stavropol. My friend Sasha Fetisov also submitted his documents
to this same school. When my father and I came to find out the results we
saw the letter "R" (refused) on my package. I burst into tears and the
receptionist erased the letter "R" and wrote an "A" (admitted) instead. I
studied well at the school and took part in sporting events. However, I was
called a Jew for the first time. While we were having an argument my close
friend said to me, "You are a Jew - you will always find an excuse and a
way out of any situation".


Leonid Karlinsky