Tag #152003 - Interview #93770 (Frida Palanker)

Selected text
In 1948 struggle against cosmopolitism began. The authorities began to destroy the Jewish culture and language. They closed the synagogue and the only Jewish school in Chernovtsy. They were persecuting Jewish writers and musicians. Once we came to the theater and were read the direction to close it. The building of the theater was to be given to house Medical University. Almost all employees were fired. They couldn’t fire me. I was pregnant and if they did, it would have been violation of the law. Therefore I formally remained an employee of this theater throughout the period of its elimination. The last day of existence of the theater is specified in my employment record book: «Resigned due to the elimination of the theater. 1950, 28 February». Later many actors of the theater left for Israel. In 1948 we heard about the “accident” that happened to Mihoels. He “got in a car accident” and died. But nobody believed it was an accident.

Chernivetska oblast

Frida Palanker