Tag #152062 - Interview #103542 (Elena Orlikova)

Selected text
We didn’t feel the approach of the war. On 22 June 194110 my friends and I were supposed to go to the theater. Of course, it was out of the question on this day. My parents did understand how threatening it was that German troops were so close to Kiev. I believe my parents heard some rumors about their ruthless brutality in Western Europe and wanted to take us out of Kiev. My father had a close friend Lubman. He worked at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine. He was responsible for the financial sector. He obtained a permit to leave Kiev. One couldn’t leave Kiev on their own these days. This could have been interpreted as spreading panic and could be subject to punishment. Another acquaintance got a truck somewhere. There were so many people on this truck that we had to stand a long while, but we left Kiev.

Misto Kyiv

Elena Orlikova