Tag #152090 - Interview #103542 (Elena Orlikova)

Selected text
Boris continued his post-graduate studies. He finished studying but he couldn’t find a job. This situation lasted over a year. He went to Moscow and spent hours and hours at reception offices. Their reasoning was always the same: no vacancies. But then other people were getting assignments when he was there. But for him there was no job. An official from the Ministry was mocking at him. He offered him a job somewhere far away and when my husband agreed he said “Oh, sorry, I’ve forgotten. There is no vacancy there either”. It was exactly because of anti-Semitism and because the state allowed to treat its citizens in this way. And only in a year’s time did they offer him a job at Saratov Law Institute to teach history of state and law. We were so happy wen my husband finally got a job. He accepted it without doubt.


Elena Orlikova