Tag #152444 - Interview #97158 (Efim Kadanskiy)

Selected text
When the revolution began he went to the red Army being almost a boy.  His parents had died by then and there was nobody to keep him at home. My father admired the revolution and the idea of communism so much that he became a member of the Communist party when he was 17. Of course, he didn’t observe any religious traditions, they were considered vestige of the past in his circles. In 1921, after the civil war was over he was sent to take a course of Red commanders. Besides political disciplines the young ignorant builders of communism studied to read and write. That was all education my father got. He must have been a talented man. He conducted meetings and conferences, made speeches, spoke about the international situation in front of the public, etc. My father became a political officer in the Red army. He served at military units located in many Ukrainian towns: Zhytomir, Ovruch, Poltava and Chernigov. He was involved in the elimination of the remaining white guard gangs1 that kept almost all Ukraine in fear. He also participated in the prodrazvyorstka units 2.


Efim Kadanskiy