Tag #152446 - Interview #97158 (Efim Kadanskiy)

Selected text
My grandfather was working at a farm and people treated him well there. My grandparents were religious people and went to the synagogue every week. They followed kashruth and celebrated all Jewish holidays. My grandmother lit candles on Friday to meet the Sabbath. They were poor, but they had silver dishes for Pesach. It was kept on the attic  for many years before WWII.

My grandfather was still recruited to the army when WWI began in 1914. He was captured by Germans. My grandfather He returned from captivity in 1917 when the revolution began. In 1918 the gang of ataman Zelyoniy 4 captured the town. They broke into Jewish houses, robbed, raped and killed people. Tthey broke into my grandfather’s house and demanded money “Give us the money, zhyda”. My grandfather’s family was poor and the bandits shot my grandfather  in front of my grandmother and their 3 children. This happened on a big holiday – Purim. Then my grandmother, a very courageous and reserved woman, said “What an evil deed  happened on such big holiday and the God watched it but didn’t stop it. I don’t believe he exists, this God”.  And she became an atheist. She knew all Jewish laws and holidays, but she never observed them. She kept her Pesach dishes on the attic like a relic and in the memory of my grandfather. My grandmother hated the Soviet power. She thought that gangs were a result of revolution leading to her husband’s death, in particular. I have no information about my grandfather’s parents or relatives. The only thing I know is that he had  a younger brother Kalman, but I never heard about him.


Efim Kadanskiy