Tag #152548 - Interview #101417 (Sarah Kaplan)

Selected text
From radio programs and newspapers we knew about the brutality of the fascists and about Babi Yar 11, about executed Jews and those that were buried alive. I kept thinking about my relatives in Berdichev. I couldn’t believe they had all perished. I wanted to believe in a miracle. When Kiev was liberated in December 1944 my son and I went home. We came to Moscow to see Shunia’s parents. My mother-in-law whose daughter Ania had starved to death, got very attached to her grandson. She didn’t want to let him go with me. She convinced me to let Izia stay with her because the war was still on and there were Germans in Ukraine. I decided it was alright for my son to stay with her until we settled down because I didn’t know where we would get accommodation or how things would go on.


Sarah Kaplan