Tag #152769 - Interview #101503 (Vladimir Khalfin)

Selected text
After the revolution of 1917 collectivization 3 began in Luchinets. A Jewish collective farm was formed that included Jewish families from surrounding villages. The management was in Luchinets. Farmers were not enthusiastic about joining the collective farm since they had to give their cattle and all tools to common use. Those that hesitated to join the collective farm were having problems they didn't get a horse to plough their field or a cart to go to Kopaygorod or Vinnitsa.  Collective farmers received coupons to do shopping in the store and all goods were sold only to collective farmers. Those that did not join the collective farm couldn’t even buy a candle. My father and his brothers joined the collective farm. My father worked as a locksmith, Yankel made heavy coats in the collective farm shop and Moshe was a shoemaker.


Vladimir Khalfin