Tag #152786 - Interview #101503 (Vladimir Khalfin)

Selected text
In less than one month Germans came to the village. On the next day they shot over 100 Jewish men in the outskirts of the town. My father’s three brothers were among them. The central area of Luchinets where Jews resided was fenced with barbed wire. There were German posts along the fence. We were told that the area fenced with barbed wire was a Jewish ghetto and that we were not allowed to leave it. This happened in the first half of July 1941. We stayed in our house. Germans took groups of Jewish men to shoot in the vicinity of the village every day. They were forced to dig a long trench and then they were made to stand on its edge before they were shot.  Some of them didn’t die at once and were buried still alive. One of them managed to crawl out of the trench and get back to the ghetto. He was hid in a basement for a long time until his wounds healed.


Vladimir Khalfin