Tag #153267 - Interview #94182 (Rachil Lemberg)

Selected text
I cannot tell whether my family followed kashrut since I was too young and didn’t quite notice things of this kind. On Friday morning my mother baked bread for a week and two challot for Sabbath. She also cooked food for two days. There was always delicious gefilte fish on Sabbath. My mother also made chicken barkhes with kneydlakh and cholent that she cooked in the oven. We always had cholnt on the following day. My mother left it in the oven overnight and it kept warm until our meal on Saturday.  On Friday evening my mother lit candles and prayed over them. We, children, were not taught to pray. My father was against it. He believed that since tie had changed and we lived during the Soviet regime that was against religion 8, we had to face this fact and accept it. My father said that Jews had to adjust and be no different from others. My father wasn’t religious at the tome when I knew him. He almost always worked on Saturday. Saturday became a day off only in the late 1960s. It was officially a working day before. Our parents spoke Russian and Yiddish to us. Both languages were native to me.


Rachil Lemberg