Tag #153605 - Interview #78097 (matvey loshak)

Selected text
I vividly remember the beginning of the war. The war was announced. The
Germans began to bomb and shell Berdichev; their planes would fly very low
and simply fire at people in the streets. As far as I remember, there were
no military objects in Berdichev. But I remember these bombing raids very
well. On July 7, when bombing began, we ran out of the house and my parents
pulled me into a ravine in our backyard. I remember was that there were a
lot of stinging nettles there, and when my parents pressed me to the
ground, I cried because of the nettles. So my father ran into the house and
grabbed a children's blanket for me, and the Germans immediately began to
fire at our house. When the bombing stopped, my father, mother, sister and
I did not go into our house, but went to my mother's office at the police
department. As soon as we got there, we were put into a truck, which took
us to a train station. I don't remember whether it was Kiev or Zhitomir. We
were put on a train and sent to Stalingrad.


matvey loshak