Tag #153811 - Interview #103374 (Faina Melamed)

Selected text
I remember once I wet to a grocery store pushing the pram with Igor when he was a baby. They were selling pineapples and there was a long line. I asked the to let me buy ahead of the line and people didn’t mind. One woman, however, didn’t like it at all and tried to push me out of the line with her elbows. I managed to buy these pineapples and when I was leaving the store I heard ‘Look, this zhydovka ignored the line!’ This was the first time in my life I heard anything like this. I grabbed her shopping bags from her and hit them on her head. An elderly old man standing in line said loudly ‘You’ve done it right, woman!’ This was the only time in my life when I heard an abuse.


Faina Melamed