Tag #154212 - Interview #94325 (Stepan Neuman)

Selected text
My father was a convinced atheist, and we, children, were not raised religiously, but we celebrated Jewish holidays. On Jewish holidays our family and my mother’s brother Moisey always visited Cili, the widow of my mother’s brother Andor, who had perished at the front.

Cili was religious and believed that her sons had to observe Jewish traditions. Moisey, like my father, was an atheist, but he knew all Jewish traditions, knew how to celebrate all holidays, and had a good conduct of Hebrew. Moisey always conducted the seder on Pesach. One of Cili’s sons asked the traditional questions. Cili cooked traditional Jewish food. We didn’t celebrate Jewish holidays at home. My mother always lit candles on Sabbath, but my father was quite indulgent about it and didn’t participate in the Sabbath events.


Stepan Neuman