Tag #154217 - Interview #94325 (Stepan Neuman)

Selected text
During the Czech rule Frantisek Ganzlik, a Czech man, began to court my sister. My sister was a beauty and he fell in love with her. Their parents gave them their consent and they got engaged. They ordered invitation cards to the wedding, when the German army invaded Czechoslovakia [16th March 1939]. My father didn’t allow Judit to get married and live in the occupied country, and Frantisek could not leave his family business in Czechoslovakia [cf. Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia] [13], and my sister’s marriage never took place.

The Germans began to introduce their Nazi laws in Czechoslovakia and Jews were having a hard time. It was impossible to get a job and Jewish children were not allowed to go to school. They had to give away their shops, stores and factories to non-Jewish owners. At first they were to train the new owners and then quit their business. Jews were pushed aside the sources of income.

But this was just a beginning. It started much earlier than in Subcarpathia. It was done in stages: first they intended to take away anything Jews owned – their property and estate – everything, and when there was nothing left to take – they sent them to concentration camps.


Stepan Neuman