Tag #154222 - Interview #94325 (Stepan Neuman)

Selected text
I went to Budapest. However, I didn’t care about lithography and I became an apprentice in the Lendvai Brothers Company, manufacturing household chemical goods. There were three Lendvai brothers, Jews, very rich people. They had big capital, three chemical enterprises.

I learned production of household chemical goods for four years. I studied production of chemical dry saltery goods, cosmetic goods, cleaning, lacquer goods, antiseptics, materials for tree sprays, and paints and ink. We were also taught the basics of management: how to sell the goods besides manufacturing them.

In January 1944 I passed my exams and was awarded the qualification of a specialist for manufacture and sales of household chemical goods. I went to Uzhgorod hoping to find a job there. Besides, I missed home.


Stepan Neuman