Tag #154229 - Interview #94325 (Stepan Neuman)

Selected text
Jews were kept in the ghetto in Kosice for about a month before they began to be taken to concentration camps: Auschwitz, Buchenwald [22], Mauthausen. Only few survived there.

When we were done with removing things from Jewish houses, we were taken to the railroad station. The trains in which deported Jews were taken to concentration camps, stopped near Kosice. These were trains for cattle transportation with barred windows. We could see people’s faces, when they were trying to look out of the windows. The railcars were packed with people. There was a terrible stench inside, but people seemed to ignore it.

It was horrible to see it, but it was worse to think that my family might be in one of these trains. We already knew that they were taken to death camps. The Hungarian gendarmes, our commanders, told us about it.


Stepan Neuman