Tag #154243 - Interview #94325 (Stepan Neuman)

Selected text
There was also routinely anti-Semitism during the Soviet regime. There was less of it in Uzhgorod than elsewhere in the USSR. Anti-Semitism was strong in Eastern Ukraine and other republics. I often had to go on business trips and the word ‘zhyd’ [kike] became customary to my ear. I heard it on trains, in hotels and public transportation in various towns of the USSR: Kiev, Moscow, Karaganda and Riga. I heard it wherever I went.

I wasn’t angry about it. I understood that people saying it did not have a decent education and were underdeveloped spiritually. My dear parents educated the feeling of self-dignity in me, and those people could not abuse or humiliate me. But this was surprising and raised a feeling of alert: this meant that not everything in the USSR was like the propaganda had told us.


Stepan Neuman