Tag #154255 - Interview #94325 (Stepan Neuman)

Selected text
After the breakup of the USSR [in 1991] I was hoping for a better life in Ukraine. Our country is rich in mineral resources and has everything for a good wealthy life, but I don’t see any changes for the better in our country or in other former republics of the USSR. At least there are no national conflicts in Ukraine. But life here is far from good. Of course, a small group of people managed to get rich, but people have a very hard life. I cannot tell what is going to happen in the future, but I do not feel optimistic about the future.

There was a Jewish community established in Uzhgorod during perestroika. I am secretary of the community. I know a few languages and can maintain correspondence. At our request the Hungarian Orthodox community of Budapest sends us matzah for Pesach and provides assistance to the needy.


Stepan Neuman