Tag #155018 - Interview #78241 (elka roizman)

Selected text
I was a student when the Doctors' Plot 7 began. (6). I was at the library once when a Moldavian student came and told me that he heard on the radio that Jewish doctors wanted to poison Stalin and other members of the government. I thought I would faint. I couldn't believe it, but there were people that actually believed this malicious calumny. Only Stalin's death in March 1953 put an end to the Doctors' Plot. When the news about his death was announced on the radio all of us burst into tears. I lived in a hostel at the time. All the students were in the hallway listening to the radio and crying. We all cried - Moldavians and Jews. We weren't aware of the actual state of things. Only the Twentieth Party Congress 8 _revealed the truth, but I still learn new terrible details about the period of Stalinist rule from people that went through many ordeals.
elka roizman