Tag #155103 - Interview #103673 (Ladislav Roth Biography)

Selected text
When we returned to Uzhgorod my sister and I went to our home. There were other tenants there: a husband and wife. We had documents proving our ownership, but they were in the house and we couldn’t get in. I didn’t know Soviet laws and I didn’t know that I could claim for our apartment and belongings.  I went to an executive office [Ispolkom] 10 where they told me that this new tenant man was a partisan and they were not going to make him move out of there. My father’s acquaintance who knew me when I was a child gave me a room in his apartment. My wife came to live with me there after the wedding. When I went to work in the Ruta restaurant a waiter from there suggested that I move into his apartment. 11 There was one room and a kitchen. He got married and moved in his wife’s flat, and I stayed in his flat. I didn’t have anything: no furniture or household things. We had to start from scratch. Our children were born and grew up in this apartment.


Ladislav Roth Biography