Tag #155112 - Interview #103673 (Ladislav Roth Biography)

Selected text
I didn’t care about Soviet holidays. We had to celebrate them at work. On 1 May and 7 November [October Revolution Day] 15 my wife and I went to parades in the morning with employees of the Verkhovina restaurant. After the parade there was a banquet for employees in the restaurant. Of course, my wife and I took part in all mandatory ceremonies, but we didn’t celebrate Soviet holidays at home. Those who were born and grew up in the USSR celebrated them, but for us they were days off that we could spend with children and friends. Only Victory Day, on 9 May 16 was my holiday. On this day American soldiers liberated us from concentration camp and on this day this horrible war that had taken away so many lives of my dear ones was over.  In the morning our colleagues and we went to the ceremonial meeting and in the evening my wife made dinner and we recalled our dear ones and those who were lost to this war.


Ladislav Roth Biography