Tag #155319 - Interview #94498 (Evadiy Rubalskiy)

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My daughters moved to Israel. Ludmila and her family reside in Holon and Inna lives in Sderot. Ludmila’s son Mikhail served in the army. He deals in car business in Israel. Ludmila works in a tourist company. Inna works at a plant. She is deputy director for the product quality. Its’ a good position and she is well-paid for it. My son-in-law also earns well. Inna’s son Yevgeniy served in the Israel army 3 years and retired in the rank of captain. Now he is a 3rd-year student of the Polytechnic College in Beer-Sheva. He studies to be a mechanic engineer in the future.


Evadiy Rubalskiy