Tag #155728 - Interview #94745 (Tsyliya Spivak)

Selected text
In the recent years my husband and I didn’t work. We’ve become Hesed clients. Then they offered me to host the ‘warm home’ cooking meals for older Jews and having them come to my home to eat. Surprisingly for myself I agreed to do it and since then my husband and I gave a lot of our strengths to Hesed. They provided food products to me, but I also bought some to make my cooking delicious and variable. I participated in a few seminars for Hesed volunteers. Only at my old age I learned about many Jewish traditions and holidays. Now I know what needs to be cooked for each holiday and I make it for my family. Of course, I haven’t become religious, but this all is very interesting to me. A Jewish newspaper issued in the south of Ukraine wrote about our ‘warm home’ calling it the best one. Regretfully, my Naum died half a year ago. I am in the mourning and I miss him so much, but I always remember that Naum liked me to look nice and be among people and I try to pull myself together. I often attend Hesed to listen to interesting lectures and concerts. My children and friends do not let me feel lonely.


Tsyliya Spivak