Tag #155876 - Interview #78262 (sophia vollerner)

Selected text
At school I became a pioneer. I liked it. A red necktie, pioneer saluting and marching attracted me. During the admission ceremony we took an oath to be devoted to communist ideals. I remember how on the appeal 'To struggle for the cause of workers and peasants be ready!', we answered in chorus, 'Always ready!'. There were pioneer groups in various institutions. I, for example, was a member of the pioneer group at the House of the Red Army. We were engaged in sports, prepared political reports on the international situation. We celebrated all revolutionary holidays. We went to parades with red flags. I have dim memories about this period, though. We didn't celebrate revolutionary holidays at home. Later I didn't join the Komsomol 18 or the Communist Party. I stayed away from politics my whole life. I had an equally negative attitude to public activities.


sophia vollerner