Tag #155878 - Interview #78262 (sophia vollerner)

Selected text
I finished secondary school in 1925. At that time the educational system was different from now. There were seven years of studies at secondary school, then students went to trade school where they studied general subjects and got professional training. I went to a cooperative school. My father paid for my education. My brother went to an electro-technical trade school. Training in trade schools lasted two and a half years. After trade school students could enter an institute where they studied for three and a half to four years. It was an intensive course since the country needed experts. In trade school we studied mathematics, two foreign languages - English and German - and literature. Besides, there were special subjects: commercial arithmetic, commodity research and law. Such schools issued a certificate and diploma about professional training. They were much like modern colleges. I had very good company at school: three girls and three boys. Out of the six of us one girl was Russian, the others were Jews. We were all fond of literature. We read a lot, discussed books and tried to write verses. We went to theatres and to the opera.


sophia vollerner