Tag #155894 - Interview #78262 (sophia vollerner)

Selected text
There was anti-Semitism after the war. During the campaign against cosmopolitans 28 in 1948 anti-Semitism gained an 'official' [state] level. My brother defended his doctors' thesis shortly after the war, but it wasn't approved for several years. Jews had problems with entering higher educational institutions or finding a job. There was the expression 'invalids of Item 5' 29. I didn't have any problems, but my relatives and acquaintances did. Then the Doctors' Plot 30 came to life. We knew some doctors that were very concerned since they were losing their patients. There were many Jewish employees in the bank, but nobody got fired.

During the time of the Doctors' Plot and the death of Stalin in 1953 there was a rumor in Chernovtsy that Jews were to be deported to Siberia 31. My Jewish friends who had a Russian husband and I decided to go to exile together. I even packed my belongings to be ready to move. My friend and I were hoping that our families wouldn't have to go with us. My husband knew about my preparations and was very angry with me telling me off because I believed in this kind of nonsense. Later, in the 1980s, I got to know that there was such a decision made and only Stalin's death put an end to it.


sophia vollerner