Tag #155920 - Interview #103947 (Faina Volper Biography)

Selected text
On 12 January 1997 my husband went to a library. I was trying to convince him to stay at home – there was ice on the roads, but he left. Yuri slipped and fell injuring his knee and head. The doctors said he would be all right, but in two days he had a splitting headache. In the evening of 13 January his headache reduced and we went to bed. He died in the morning. Contusion of his head caused cerebral hemorrhage. My husband Yuri Milrud died on 14 January 2001. I buried him beside my son and in accordance with Jewish tradition. I live alone. My son calls me every day and visits me. I also have friends and made new friends at Hesed.

​In the recent ten years many things have changed in the Jewish life here. I go to Hesed every Monday. We have a gathering of elderly Jews at 11 o’clock. On Wednesday I attend a literature studio. I also attend a vocal studio. We sing songs in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian. I like singing and I feel happy when I sing. Signing inspires me and makes me forget my sorrows and problems. My husband and I used to sing Jewish and Soviet songs. We get Jewish songs typed in Russian font to be able to read. Now, when I sing, he seems to be near me. We feel like a family in Hesed. We celebrate birthdays, Shabbat and Jewish holidays. I am glad this time has come.


Faina Volper Biography