Tag #155997 - Interview #94776 (Grigoriy Stelmakh)

Selected text
They lived in a kolkhoz [4] where grandfather worked as an accountant. After the war my grandparents and Adel returned to live in Kiev. From 1945 and almost to the day he died my grandfather was a representative of the Art Fund of the USSR in Kiev. He was responsible for tax payment inspection and reported to Moscow. He was valued at his work. They employed him till he turned 83! More than that: when he grew old, my grandfather began to compose music. We have a pile of his scores: he wrote quartets and romances. He studied music in his childhood. I would say, the music sounded in him. He wrote music by inspiration. He particularly got fond of music after grandmother Yenta died in 1957. He started going to the synagogue more frequently and wrote music for the synagogue.

Misto Kyiv

Grigoriy Stelmakh