Tag #156033 - Interview #94776 (Grigoriy Stelmakh)

Selected text
In 1935 she met my father, who had become a widower a short time before. I don’t know how they met. Perhaps, through matchmakers that was customary with Jews.

My mother somehow repeated grandmother Ronia’s life marrying a man three years younger than her and having a child. They had a modest wedding. Sumptuous weddings were not a habit with communists. The most amazing thing about it was that my father agreed to have a Jewish wedding. Otherwise my mother’s parents would have been against their marriage and my father loved my mother dearly. My parents were escorted to the synagogue separately and at the synagogue they stood under a chuppah and all guests made seven rounds around the bridegroom. Then their marriage contract was read and they exchanged rings. Then they drank wine and guests began to greet the newly weds. My grandmother and her neighbors cooked sweets for the wedding part and there was little to drink.

Kyivska oblast

Grigoriy Stelmakh