Tag #156292 - Interview #79231 (Lilli Tauber)

Selected text
Vienna was in a horrible state in October 1946. There was no food, no electricity and nothing else to buy. When I arrived and saw how miserable it was, Aunt Berta, who didn’t have any children of her own said, ‘You come with me to Prein right now and help me out in the shop.’ And that’s what happened. Prein was a second home to me; the atmosphere was comfortable and warm.

I worked as a shop assistant with Aunt Berta and was known as ‘Miss Lilli’ among the customers. I also wrote business letters. I liked my work. Sometimes I went to Vienna to go to the theater or meet friends. I had served a dressmaker apprenticeship in England but it wasn’t a custom there that you were an apprentice, did your exams and got a diploma at the end. Vienna was different in that respect, and since I didn’t have a diploma I wasn’t allowed to work as a dressmaker.


Lilli Tauber