Tag #156747 - Interview #78355 (Mrs. Gábor Révész)

Selected text
My mother got married for the second time in 1944. Her second husband was an interesting fellow. I know a lot more about him. His name was Antal Schiller. He was a Jewish man from Győr. He was a complete atheist, he never bothered with stuff [religion], and he knew how to make the best of things.  He was easy-going and a bit rash, but very talented, a so-called self-made man. He also came from an unschooled family, and he didn’t achieve what he achieved because of his schooling, but because he was interested in things. He was appraiser and auctioneer for the Ernst Museum.30 I can’t tell you how highly respect he was in his profession. And he acquired his knowledge of carpets, porcelain and furniture on his own, without any schooling. He even went to Brazil to learn about merchandising art.


Mrs. Gábor Révész