Tag #156891 - Interview #78802 (Maud Michal Beer)

Selected text
After I'd returned from Hechalutz 19 winter camp, it was decided after much deliberation, that I'd leave school and go for hakhsharah 20. The hakhsharah was in Bratislava – there weren't enough young Jewish people in Bohemia and Moravia for them to put a hakhsharah together. Several other former Terezin prisoners made the same decision. Max Lieben from Prague was already there, and I met young people, some of which I keep in touch with to this day – but there was no longer any real friendship, I was still sad and broken.

I was then transferred from Bratislava to Zilina. Then they sent me to Prague for about a year and then to Brno to organize Jewish children for departure [aliyah] and life in Palestine. When I was in Prague, the United Nations was voting on whether there would or wouldn't be a Jewish state in Palestine. We followed it; it was suspenseful and amazing. After the Communist coup in 1948 21 a notice was issued that whoever wanted to move to Israel had to leave the Czechoslovak Republic by a certain date in 1949 22, and who didn't leave by that date, would stay.


Maud Michal Beer