Tag #156997 - Interview #79252 (Erna Goldmann)

Selected text
When Ben Gurion declared Israel’s independence in May 1948, war started immediately afterwards. My husband took our son Dani – he was eight years old, and Rafi wasn’t even born – and took him from Petach Tikva to Tel Aviv.

There was a big fuss, and there was an assembly on the main square and in front of the municipality. It was very exciting for me, for all of us. We had waited so long for the English to leave and for us to become independent. Until then, Israel was under British mandate.

From this day onwards, it was Israel; it was our country. And from now on, Jews could legally immigrate.

And then, immediately, war broke out. In this war, too, my husband was a chauffeur for an officer. He drove his own car, though, because the state of Israel didn’t have any money to get official cars. Much later, my sons went to the military as well. There were many wars, but they never really had to go to war, it was only military service.


Erna Goldmann