Tag #157011 - Interview #79438 (Hillel Kempler)

Selected text
We were kosher, of course, and weren’t allowed to even think about pig. My brother Isi, he was six years older than me, took me by the hand one day and said: come, Hillel, we’re going to buy sausages. There were small wagons on the street that sold sausages. Of course these were sausages made of pork. Isi brought me to one of these wagons and crept around it so that no one would see us. Then he positioned himself at a corner of the wagon and bought us each a pair of sausages. We quickly ran with the sausages to the next street and ate them in an entryway. Isi then made me swear: Hillel, you must never tell anyone. And for years I was afraid that someone would find out and tell that I had eaten pork sausages. But that was such a thrill, the forbidden! Isi needed to try it once. We thought, who knows what would happen to us after eating the sausages.


Hillel Kempler