Tag #157013 - Interview #79438 (Hillel Kempler)

Selected text
Our apartment was also on Grenadier-strasse, directly across from my father’s pastry shop. The apartment had six rooms. It was on the second floor. There was a parlor, which was a large room. In the parlor there was a long table for twelve people that had been very expensive. I can recall it exactly. And there was a large bureau and a grandfather clock that needed to be wound once a week. Only my father was allowed to do that, no one else. My parents were very proud of everything that they had accomplished. My father often gave gifts to my mother, once he even bought her an Astrakhan coat. That was quite exceptional, of course. In 1933 she sent the Astrakhan coat with our moving boxes to Palestine, but she of course had no need for it here.

We had two maids that looked after us children. One was called Herta. She was a young girl.


Hillel Kempler