Tag #157433 - Interview #88519 (Stefan Minc)

Selected text
When I realized that nobody had survived out of my closest family, I decided to go to Walbrzych, to Lower Silesia [Jews settling in Lower Silesia after World War II] 39. In Walbrzych I got registered at the Central Committee of Polish Jews 40 and they helped me a bit.

They would receive, for example, things from UNRRA 41, but as help for Jews, who had suffered during the war. So I would go over there from time to time. I was also accepted into the party [Polish Workers’ Party] 42, because I was a committed left-winger. 

The man who recommended me was Arnold Mostowicz 43. This was a pre-war communist and a friend of my brother’s [Wladek], who knew that he was a communist. I was also recommended by Kujawski, who worked in the ceramic industry union.                            

At first I was working at the Tilsch porcelain factory – it is called The Walbrzych Porcelain Factory nowadays. At the same time, I was active in the labor union. A few months later I was elected secretary of the board of the labor union section of construction industry materials, which included ceramics. Later I was elected as vice-president of the regional board in Wroclaw. And then I was picked for the national union secretary in the field of construction ceramics.


Stefan Minc