Tag #157479 - Interview #100414 (Michal Warzager)

Selected text
I remember my father very well. He was tall and had a long beard. He also had a lot of wrinkles – I reckon that’s a family trait, because I have them too. But when he laughed you could see he still had all his teeth, even though he was 65 years old by then. I used to know exactly when he was born, but I’ve forgotten. My father was very religious – he prayed all the time. He’d get up – he always got up early – and put on his tallit and prayed, even on weekdays, not only on Sabbath. And he always wore a yarmulka – a velvet one he’d made for himself – and he made us wear one too. The Poles would stare at us, because it was so hot and there we were with our heads covered. I remember it like it was yesterday, how I had to wear a yarmulka day and night, as the saying goes. My father also had long payes and sometimes I’d trim them a little for him, when he asked me to.


Michal Warzager